Ultimate Guide to Poke-Ewim-Verse Wiki

(Missing the picture. Working on getting it. -Dest)

Shiny No
Friends Leuko

Almost done, why are you even here Swan!? When he was a little kid his Father taught him how to dance Ballet, and continued to train him for it but Mikhail wanted nothing to do with it, but didnt want to upset his father. He "accidentally" broke his leg and now walks with a limp. Now hes a teacher, teaches anyone, at any age, to fly if they have the ability to learn. His father still nags him about dancing.

Hes a poor fighter and stopped training after he evolved, he just hated being teased with 'Ugly Duckling' jokes and such. He knew and was friends with Leuko, a Braviary, when he was a kid... sorta... Leuko would tease him more then most, but defended him against anyone who wasnt him a bird.

Mikhail like warm drinks and sour candies.
